Friday, 14 September 2018

Damien Daigle, Computers R Us Owner, Featured on Marietta Stories Podcast

Curious about how Computers R Us started? Interested in learning more about our owner? Then we have a podcast for you!

Damien Daigle recently made an appearance on Marietta Stories, where he spoke about his career before Computers R Us and how he built this family business up from the bottom.

This feel-good story is one of hard work, perseverance, overcoming challenges, and dedication to building a business that is a service to its community. 

Marietta Stories is hosted by veteran podcast Bill Nowicki who dives deep to tell heartwarming, sad, and funnny stories from the people that make the town of Marietta, Georgia a great place to call home. Here is its description of this episode:

When Damien Daigle was filled with wonder the first time he opened a computer. The fan, the boards, the wires, everything he saw amazed him. 

But he needed to learn about life the hard way. A failed 3 month trip to Louisiana, where he was a Walmart greeter, a return home and eventually he found himself working on computers and learning to solve seemingly insurmountable problems.

Hear the rest of Damien’s amazing story, including his journey to owning and providing for his family through his Computer R Us small business. Hint: he provides terrific customer service at a fair price.

You can listen to the podcast right here:

Or you can check it out on iTunes or download it directly to your device here.

Enjoy 🙂

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Wednesday, 1 August 2018

What are viruses, spyware, and malware?

You are working in your computer on an important assignment and you click on something by mistake and all your data goes spoof in the air! Or suddenly, your computer starts opening multiple tabs or you find out that your data has been compromised!

All the above mentioned scenarios lead to just one likely conclusion. You have been attacked by some kind of virus, malware or spyware and you will need virus removal for your computer. They can attack your computer through downloads and executable files. But before going further you should know first what they are:


The virus comes attached to a file and is activated when you open the file. The virus harms your hard drive. Virus can also come in disguise as an anti-virus on the internet and damages the operating system. This is mainly done by people who gain financial benefits by damaging other people’s computers.


Spyware does not damage the computer but it is used by hackers to gain knowledge from your computer such as access codes, passwords, personal information, pictures, credit card details etc. The information is then sold or used for personal gains.


Malware transfers to your computer mainly by downloading and running softwares. It is specifically used to damage the computer and wipe your data. It is hard to detect and can be tricky to eliminate.

After knowing the malicious softwares and programming, you should also know some of the signs that you have one. If you notice the following problems, there is a big red flag for you:

  • Your computer is not responding to your commands.
  • Your computer crashes often.
  • Your computer is running slower than usual.
  • Your computer is showing pop-up ads though you have blocked them.

It is important to note that you are not the only one who is experiencing these glitches. Even the most protected computers owned by individuals or companies are at risk and have to face these problems time to time.

But, if you have an issue don’t panic. Just contact us at Computers R Us and we can diagnose your problem and solve it fully.

Our experts have the skills and expertise to diagnose your problem quickly  and remove the malicious software and restore your computer to its working form. We also install antivirus softwares that will protect you from attacks of the viruses, spywares and malwares. 

And the best part is that we do all these services in a friendly environment and we also make you the whole process and what steps you should take to ensure your computer’s safety.

So if you have any such problem with your computer and you need services for viruses, spyware, or malware in Kennesaw or at the Atlanta area, contact us and we'll take care of it 🙂

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Friday, 27 April 2018

How To Keep Your iPhone Safe From Hackers

Keep Hackers Away from your iPhone

With so much of our daily activities being based online - internet and information security are more important than ever. As you may have heard in tech news, the FBI was able to hack what was once thought to be unhackable- the iPhone. If law enforcement can get in, you can safely assume there are scores of hackers trolling to get access to your information for less than savory reasons.

We have a few tips that will help you keep the information on your phone secure, and out of the hands of hackers:

Stay up to date

It is important to make sure that you are always running the most up to date version of Apple’s iOS. Apple is always updating their security to stay ahead of the curve, and those efforts are added to every automatic update. Hackers love to seek out any flaws in their code, and Apple has a whole department dedicated solely to patching codes and implementing upgrades to keep their customer's information secure. 

Create a complicated password

This may be common sense, but even in 2018, people still create easy to guess passwords for their accounts that leave their information vulnerable to attack, or worse, theft. Your iPhone has the ability to store passwords from anything to your email all the way to your banking account, as such, it’s important to rely on more than just site encryption by creating complex passwords that are hard to guess. That also goes for your iPhone password itself.

Forget the links

Another common mistake users make is clicking on a link they get via email or those they are sent to social media. Unless you trust the person sending you the link, and you recognize the site address, you should avoid random links altogether. This is one of the most common ways hackers gain access to your phone, your accounts, and your private information.

App Permissions

With so many new applications being released every day, and users wanting to customize their iPhone experience as much as possible, it’s easy to overlook just what permissions are given to which applications, and what that may mean for your private information. When you prior to downloading an application, make sure you are comfortable with the permissions required to operate that application. For applications you already have on your phone, you can revoke any applications that provide access to personal or sensitive information that you don’t want hackers to have.

Opt out of auto-fill and turn off Siri

Auto-fill is a convenient way to quickly input your passwords across many sites or services without having to type them out manually each time you visit. Unfortunately, hackers also are able to utilize the same feature to steal your personal information and gain access to sensitive accounts. Opting to manually input your complex passwords may be tedious, but the safety payoff is certainly worth it. You should also avoid using Siri for extra protection, while Apple has programmed certain protections, there are plenty of instances where people have been able to use the assistant to gain access to iPhones without the need to input a password.

Following these tips will go a long way in protecting your iPhone from hackers. Stay safe out there 🙂

Check out our iPhone repair page.

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Thursday, 29 March 2018

How To Keep Your iPhone Safe From Damage

Protect your iPhone

Your iPhone came with a pretty hefty price tag, and it makes sense that you want to do everything possible to keep it safe from damage beyond the inevitable regular wear and tear. We have a few tips that will help you protect your investment so you can enjoy your phone... at least until the next model is released 😉

Stay Dry

There are a lot of ways for your phone to get damaged, but water damage is by far the most commonly reported issue among iPhone users. Water is bad for any type of electronic device, but phones tend to get the most exposure, and iPhone sets are even more prone to water damage than most models.  In the summer, its common to put your phone in your pocket and head to the beach or to the pool, but many users forget to take their phones out of their pocket before getting in the water, set up a reminder alert, or perhaps leave your phone at home before you head out to cool your heels. Rain is equally damaging, make sure to step inside before making a call.  

Be Cool

While water is hazardous, high heat is equally damaging to the components in your iPhone. Try to avoid leaving your phone locked inside your glove compartment or center console on hot days, and also keep your iPhone away from sources of extreme heat such as the hood of a car, or even your oven after you have been cooking. The internal components are sensitive to heat, and the last thing you want to do is fry your investment.

Keep out of Pockets

On an iPhone, or pretty much any smartphone, the screen is the most essential and the most vulnerable part of the device. Phones are made to be able to fit in your pocket, but that doesn’t mean it’s the safest place for your iPhone. If you happen to be wearing loose fitting clothing and forget your phone is in your pocket, it’s easy to damage, crack, or shatter the screen through absentmindedly bumping against harder objects. 

Invest in Protection

One of the best ways to keep your iPhone safe from damage is to invest in a solidly built protective case, such as the Life Proof case. Not only is a case like this waterproof, but it also has the ability to absorb shocks. That means dropping your phone or bumping into the car door no longer has to result in a heart attack. On that note, its also a good idea to have a dedicated space for phone storage that’s away from hazards such as children, pets, or food.

Pay Attention

Don’t surf and walk, no matter how attentive you think you may be, it's much safer for you and for your phone if you limit its use to when you are stationary.  The easiest way to drop your phone on the ground or into the water is by not being aware of where you are walking, and let’s face it, we have all seen plenty of videos of Smartphone owners trying to multitask only to end up with a broken screen at the end of the day.

Follow these tips and you'll be way ahead of the crowd! Buy, of course, things still happens. So if you need help with a damaged iphone, just give us a call 🙂

Computers R Us

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Wednesday, 21 February 2018

Can You Fix a Scratched iPhone at home?

A common issue for iPhone owners is a scratched iPhone screen. If you didn’t invest in a screen protector or a decent iPhone case, you might be experiencing this right now. Car keys or a drop from a low distance can easily cause scratches on your screen. A lot of people will leave the scratches and continue on with their busy lives. Less often people will replace the phone altogether. The latter is entirely unnecessary unless you just want to hand over your paycheque to Apple and call it a day.

There are also many people that will try to fix the phone themselves. We recommend against these methods as you could end up causing more damage.  Screen scratches can be fixed quickly and safely by a pro so that's the best route, but if for whatever reason you're the do-it-myself type person - or are just curious  - there are many unique fixes that people try from home.   

 Common DIY phone scratch removal techniques 

Oddly enough, toothpaste is the first at-home product many use to try to remove a very shallow scratch from iPhone screens. The method is to use a cotton swab, clean cloth, or Q-tip, gently dab some paste and rub the swab or cloth in circular motions over the scratch until it disappears, and remove the excess toothpaste with a clean damp cloth. While there are many people who claimed this has worked on the internet, there are even more that say it did not and all it was make their screen shinier. This idea likely comes from the days that toothpaste was used to fix CD's - and although it would occasionally work for that, do not try it on your phone.

Car Scratch Cream

Proponents of car scratch cream for  thicker iPhone scratches suggest a car scratch removal cream with the same technique described for the toothpaste. This may remove the top layer of a scratch, but can damage your touchscreen in the process.


Home repairers have claimed that if your iPhone has more dramatic scratches on the screen or even small chips along the edges, sandpaper is the best option to smooth out the chipped edges. They say to use the paper gently and slowly. If you are too aggressive, you will risk causing more damage than you had in the first place. This is not a good method - don't try it unless you don't mind ruining your phone!

Baking Soda

Some use baking soda or baking powder for shallow scratches, saying to mix baking soda and water in a bowl with a 2:1 ratio, stirring the soda and water together until it forms a thick paste, and using the same technique as described for the toothpaste.  Now use the same technique as described for the toothpaste. This is just as bad of an idea as the others. 

Vegetable Oil

Vegetable oil is used by some in the same way as toothpaste or car scratch cream as a "quick fix"or a temporary solution. But this one does barely anything - while the other fill some of the surface cracks, this really just makes the scratches less visible for a short period of time - you may as well just play hide and seek with it instead.

Once again, we recommend to avoid these techniques to get rid of the scratches on your iPhone screen. If you try them, you may be giving Apple more of your money

Let a professional fix the scratches on your iPhone

The bottom line is you should not try and fix scratches on your phone unless you have the correct tools to do so, and household items like the ones listed above are not what you need. For this reason, we suggest taking your scratched iPhone to a local phone repair shop with experienced technicians on site. If you’re not sure what to do, give us a call at 678-851-9926, and we will be happy to help.

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Monday, 19 February 2018

Apple Reveals Mystery iPhone Repair Machine

Here's Apple's 'Genius' Secret for Repairing iPhones

The “geniuses” at Apple stores have become a popular joke and conversation starter at the dinner table. A genius is an apple employee who works at the genius bar at the back of an Apple store. Customers can go to the genius bar to receive answers to their questions regarding any iPhones, iPods, iMacs, or any other Apple product. This is a "genius" way for Apple to create even better customer service. Not only to they provide you with a product you love, but through the genius bar they offer an invaluable service that all Apple customers inevitably need. Repair services are essential in the tech industry. So what goes on in the genius bar when a broken screen goes there? Magic!?

The Horizon Machine

Sorry, no wizards involved, just a machine. Apple announced it will now ships its iPhone repair device, called a “Horizon Machine”, to companies like Best Buy so they can do repairs in-house. This is big news in iPhone repair as Apple had kept the machine in a cloud of mystery until now. In fact, this is the first time Apple has publicly stated that it exists.  Well, all we know for sure is that it is not a whimsical machine designed by Dr. Seuss or Cat in The Hat that will magically replace an iPhone screen once you place the iPhone inside (although that would be the best invention ever). Maybe one day, but not today. This seemingly whimsical machine has a single purpose: it calibrates the new screen after it is installed by a real person. “Calibrating the screen” in this case seems to mean matching the display with the finger print identifying software and testing it for bugs at the same time.

The goal for this move by Apple is to decrease wait times at the genius bar. This is something I have personally experienced, back when I didn’t know any better. The memory of walking into stores around the mall for an hour while I wait for my appointment with a “genius” at the Apple store will haunt me forever. So the machine being expanded to more more shops is good news for customers.

But, the even better new is this machine is unnecessary if all you need is a basic screen replacement. No need to go to a genius bar or Best Buy - we can repair your iPhone screen for you at a better price!

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